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PicThrive Releases Photo Sales Kiosk App for Tour Operators

Neal Belovay
September 7, 2024

PicThrive is excited to announce the release of the world’s first Photo Sales Kiosk app that’s available on Google Play. The Photo Sales Kiosk app allows tour operator to quickly sell photos to guests immediately after a tour.

PicThrive Releases Photo Sales Kiosk App for Tour Operators

Download the PicThrive Photo Sales Kiosk app at

The Photo Sales Kiosk app connects to any PicThrive account, helping to make tour operators’ photo sales even more seamless and pain free. With one simple drag and drop of photos onto your PicThrive workspace, you are now instantly able to sell photos from Kiosks, your online store and from the workspace.

Say goodbye to burning CDs or USBs and constantly flipping back and forth between photos on the big screen. Guests can now easily pick and chose their favourite photos, saving you time as well as making the photo experience exciting and personalized for your customers.

Watch as groups get even more excited about their experience as they navigate through their tour photos minutes after completing their adventure.They can pinch and zoom, select one or add all photos to the cart with one simple click.

Checkout is easy and they will get their photos instantly in galleries with your custom branding and marketing tools that work to turn visitors into customers.

You have the ability to use your own POS to process transactions before photos are released to your guests. Or you can also use the app’s built in payment processing to help free up your staff’s time and make photo transactions seamless.

in Conclusion

PicThrive’s Photo Sales Kiosk app is whitelabelled, helping you provide a fully branded experience to your guests.

Tour photo sales just got easier. Download the app today.

About PicThrive

PicThrive is a photo sales, customer engagement and marketing platform for tour operators that is currently in private beta. Sign up now to get early access to a powerful customer engagement and marketing tool for your business.

PicThrive is on a mission to be the number one customer engagement and marketing platform for tour operators to connect with clients and their network of family and friends using multimedia. We believe it is important to always innovate in engagement and conversion tools that maximize the user experience and get the best results possible for your business.

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