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Sales and Marketing reporting for adventure tour operators

Carrie Mamantov
September 7, 2024

A recurring question we hear from customers is how should adventure tour operators use sales and marketing reporting? All small businesses, including tour operators, should be looking to adjust to industry changes by tracking year-over-year monthly sales.

Adventure tour operators can take that tracking a step further to know what is going on around them in the industry.

Many operators have set up a simple automated way to review monthly sales and compare it per season and per year. Now take that same thinking and apply it to retail sales. Operators breaking out their online, in-store and kiosk sales for more specific tracking, are going to be able to catch a trend in the data and know to make a change quickly.

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But just watching the numbers to forecast next season isn’t enough.

When operators know how a monthly sales or marketing average compares to the industry, they can get an even better sense for how their operations are going.

And while it’s hard to predict what external factors like government rules and economic pressures will do to a small business, there are some changes within an operator’s control.

Sales and Marketing reporting for adventure tour operators

Sales reporting for tracking customer value: Revenue per album and Estimated Purchase Value

Analyzing an average dollar amount for each album created is a great metric for operators to monitor how business is doing. Sales reporting built into PicThrive can be a quick way to calculate that current and potential customer value.

Another way to monitor the health of the business is to monitor the demand for each service or price point. Operators can use an estimated purchase value to determine how much people are willing to pay for photos and videos.

Best practice for year round operators:_ Check these reports quarterly and then adjust your pricing to maximize your needs._

Best practice for post-season review:_ Check these reports to view the total count of albums by price value and compare month to month during peak season, as well as looking at the season as a whole year over year. _

If the numbers aren’t where you want them to be, our Success team is ready to help you. Operators who work with our Success team achieve a % higher in sales.

Finding where your breaking point is in your season, may give you an idea of when you should run promotions or special packages to make the most of photo sales when daily volumes are higher.

Pro Tip: Top performers review their reports weekly.

Marketing reporting to measure gallery activity: Review clicks and share clicks

What can operators learn from tracking the share and review clicks from their galleries? A little insight into customer behaviors can inspire new marketing and promotion ideas, says Marketing professional, and PicThrive advisor, Carrie Mamantov.

“You always want to be looking for a pattern in customer behavior, and sometimes you may not know why it’s valuable at first. Asking your guests, using surveys or sending them a thank you, can open the door to learning a little more about what your best guests are thinking about your services.”

With a little math, and analytical thinking you can uncover some pretty valuable insights from these free marketing reports. For example, knowing your average views per gallery and which galleries are way above that average gives operators a benchmark for what makes a great customer. If an outfitter or operator has a social media goal of increasing followers, encouraging the sharing feature from the guests’ albums could test whether there is a link between guests sharing and getting new followers.

Marketing questions to answer and how to find the information in PicThrive marketing reports:

  • How many total people are interacting with my brand?

    • Total Gallery Views

  • Which of my guests have done the most to spread awareness for my brand?

    • Top Gallery Views

  • What is my average number of views per gallery?

    • Total Gallery Views / Total Albums

in Conclusion

Operators can measure sales and marketing activity in one workspace

If you’re new to learning about PicThrive, you may want to request a demo to learn about the whole guest experience. Sales and marketing reporting is just one small piece of the total value you get when you can manage everything in one workspace.

You can also see the latest product updates in our product features spotlight posts.

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