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Adventure Tour Operators Use Photo Delivery Emails to Hit Growth Goals

Carrie Mamantov
September 7, 2024

It’s true, Adventure Tour Operators use photo delivery emails to hit their growth goals. It’s possible to build brand and grow sales by incorporating key messages and visuals when sending purchased photo albums in customized email templates.

Photo Delivery Emails for Hitting Growth Goals

Why take time to brand and personalize your photo purchase emails?

When a guest purchases their trip through an adventure tour website, booking tool or mobile app, they are interacting with a specific brand, which is an extension of the company. Operators who focus on being consistent with how guests experience their brand see positive returns in guest satisfaction and in reducing friction for customers.

By adding a logo and company name in all the email a guest receives, adventure parks and rafting outfits are ensuring every guest can easily search their Inbox to find what they need. Plus, creating visual reminders for guests can lead to word of mouth referrals and better brand recall for future purchases.

Operators in a busy market or with similar names to other adventure tour operators can stand out by emphasizing some aspect of the brand. This could be either a color or a recognizable element of your trip experience, like a bridge or a boulder with a fun name. It can also be your people, and your pets, whose personality are a natural extension of what your brand and your company personality. But branding email just for brand recognition isn’t the only way to put photo delivery emails to work.

Operators should take advantage of every opportunity to connect with guests

We’ve seen several highly successful operators leverage photo and video delivery emails to achieve business goals. These timely email messages can be used strategically to cross-promote, to educate, to extend the guest experience and even capture potentially lost revenue.

We’ve also outlined a few examples operators are using to successfully convert more sales and/or generate new bookings.

  • Use Custom Email Templates for Promotions and Repeat Business

  • Use Custom Email Templates for potentially lost Kiosk purchases

  • Use Custom Email Templates to do more with less email

Custom Email Tips and Subject Line Ideas

1. Coupon Codes to Generate Return Business

Use coupon messages to generate return business after photo/video purchase:

  • Plan to share your trip photos with a friend? Share this code: RAFTFRIENDS and they can get a XX% discount on their video/photo purchase whenever they visit us in the next 12 months.

  • For the month of AUGUST, guests can share a referral discount for 10% off. Use GETWILD.

  • Some experiences are worth repeating! Book next year’s trip now and save 20% with CANTGETENUFF.

2. Kiosk Purchase Reminders, Abandon Cart AKA Discard Pending

You may have seen the Discard Pending Purchase section of the Custom Email Templates, but not been sure how to best use this feature.

Think of it like an “abandon cart” you might have seen in your booking system or other ecommerce platforms.

Subject lines for Abandon Cart/ Win-Back Emails

  • Pssst, your trip photos with (Company Name) are waiting

  • We have your photos ready for you – with an easy online pay option

  • Don’t worry *|NAME|*, your trip photos are safe!

3. Do More With Less Email

Operators looking to connect with Guests, can use the photo delivery email to communicate other important brand information.

Delivering a great guest experience centers around what guests need and want, and anticipating those needs can further elevate how customers perceive your brand and the value they are getting. No doubt your team has worked to address common challenges and questions that guests experience with FAQs and Helpful Tips peppered around your booking experience. Why not also put that educational info within your Workspace email templates.

Now that you can customize your templates, you could easily call attention to FAQs or a Customer Support web page with a hyperlink or a clickable image. That can even include dropping in the occasional emoji.

This is also a good touchpoint for requesting a review. PicThrive operators report seeing higher percentage of reviews coming from guests who purchased photos and videos. It makes sense that those who found value in taking their memories with them would be willing to share their great experiences with others.

Subject lines to weave in your Brand Voice:

  • Don’t keep your photos waiting, View Unreal Adventures Trip Photos now

  • Enjoy your memories with (Company Name)

  • |Name|, It’s time to relive your 📷 Unreal Adventures Memories

  • View and share your |MEDIA CONTENTS ARE|

    • Pro Tip: This tag will pull the count of photos and/or videos to remind the guest of their specific purchase, and gives your operation flexibility for fulfilling a mix of photo and video orders together.

Yes, the PicThrive Workspace supports creating and accepting coupon codes to create more targeted booking experiences.

in Conclusion

Adventure Tour Operators have flexibility with customizable email templates

You’ll find 4 types of email you can customize for sending from the Workspace. You can save multiple versions of each template as needed for differently locations, or different types of guests to best support your workflow.

Want to see how it works? Book a personalized demo.

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