one plan. all features.

PicThrive Pricing

Flexible pricing that adapts to your unique adventure tour business.

In-Person Sales

Photo Album $3.29 USD

Video Album $5.49 USD

Photo + Video Package $5.49 USD

Online Sales

  • Within 24 Hours

    Same as in-store pricing

  • After 24 Hours

    20% per transaction


A dedicated integration specialist helps adapt PicThrive to your operation. Get training, support, and guidance on adventure tourism media sales implementation.

In addition, customers cover payment processing fees (2.9% + $0.30) which varies by country.


Includes Full Access to PicThrive's Online, In-Person, Marketing, & Support Features:
Sell photos and videos online & in-person
Easy online payment processing
Free storage
Unlimited uploads
Sales & marketing reporting and analytics
Automated marketing tools
24/7 dedicated customer support
Free support for your customers
Customizable & sharable galleries
Popular reservation system integrations
Get Started

extra features

optional Add-ons

AI image enhancement and long term storage solutions at your fingertips.



Auto AI Image Enhancement

starts at $0.01 per photo uploaded

Storage After 3 Years

$0.14 per GB/year

success-based model

How PicThrive's Pricing Works

Would you like to stop paying storage fees?

Ready to stop using complex software?

PicThrive delivers everything you need at an unbeatable price.

No Storage Fees

Unlike many of our competitors, PicThrive charges ZERO storage fees for up to 3 years.

Transaction-based Pricing

We only get paid when you do — stop paying for uploads and only pay when your media sells.

Multiple POS

Many operators choose to use multiple points of sale, including offline and in-house digital options.

When using PicThrive's hosted POS

  1. Guests access your online store on their own mobile device or computer, or use your in-store tablets.
  2. They select their favorite photos and/or videos.
  3. Guests pay with their credit card through PicThrive’s Point of Sale.
  4. Photos and/or videos are instantly delivered to their email address.
  5. Your Revenue gets automatically deposited to your bank account.

When using an in-house POS

If you prefer to operate multiple points of sale, here's how it works:

  1. Choose to sell photos and/or videos on-site
  2. Operator collects 100% of payments through in-house point of sale (cash, credit, etc.)
  3. PicThrive instantly delivers the album the guest paid for.
  4. PicThrive charges Operator credit card at the end of the month: photo albums sent x $3.29, video albums sent x $5.49.

Pricing FAQs

Here are some commonly asked questions about our pricing. More questions? Schedule a demo!

How long does it take to get set-up?

We know operators have a lot on their plate, so we handle as much as possible for you, making the process seamless. The timeline really depends on your needs, and we’ll develop a custom plan that includes staff training and fits your schedule. Some operators need to be up and running by the next day and others in a few weeks. We can make what you want happen.

Are there fees in the off-season?

No. There are no contractors, monthly or yearly fees. Only when a sale is made does PicThrive collect a transaction fee. So this means in your off season you’ll make money from guests buying trip media with PicThrive. Isn’t that a breath of fresh air!

Am I charged for uploads?

No. Only when an album is sold is there a transaction fee. You can take as many photos and videos as you like and upload them to each trip album. If it doesn’t sell there is no fee. Plus you get 3 years of free, unlimited storage. This means your guides and photographers are free to capture the best photos they can get for guests and you don’t have to stress about it costing you anything.

Are there any required contracts?

No, because we are transaction based, operators can always get started without a contract. We do support customized options for some accounts that can require different contract arrangements.

What if we give photos away for free?

That’s totally cool. We recommend the super easy-to-use and affordable media sharing app, Picsaurus. It’s specifically designed for tourism operators that give away photos and videos. If you’re interested in making it easier to generate revenue and marketing from your trip media, then check out PicThrive.

Book a Live Demo

See how PicThrive can level up your adventure tour business.
