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Meet up with PicThrive at Outdoor Adventure Tour industry events Fall 2023 to Spring 2024

Carrie Mamantov
September 7, 2024

It’s time for industry connections at several of the tradeshows in North America. We love to catch up with customers and make new friends.

Our theme is all about “Connecting” and how powerful it is for operators to strengthen customer connections AND industry partnerships all through software technology integrations. What better way to do both by meeting up at one of these events.

Check back here as we keep updating this post with our tradeshow plans, or be on the look out for emails that further describe the fun we plan to have – and if you’re not getting our email, you can subscribe here.

Meet up with PicThrive at Outdoor Adventure Tour industry events Fall 2023 to Spring 2024


Colorado River Outdoor Association (CROA)

Come see Diamond if you’re going to be in Aurora Nov 6 to Nov 9.


America Outdoor Association

You can add the AOA event to your calendar from this page, as well as register. We’re very excited to be sponsoring again – exciting details coming soon. Be sure to come see us in Phoenix, Arizona Dec 5-8.


Association for Challenge Course Technology (ACCT)

We have plans to hang out with all our adventure park, zipline and challenge course friends in Oklahoma City, OK in February of 2024.

As we know more details, we will update you. You can get a sneak peek here.

in Conclusion

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