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New iPad App for PicThrive

Neal Belovay
September 7, 2024

PicThrive users can now take advantage of a new iPad app, PicThrive Photo Viewer that makes it easy for tour and activity operators to show off their photos. It automatically syncs to your PicThrive account, making photos instantly available for your guests to engaged with after a tour.

New iPad App for PicThrive

Guests can engage and interact with photos like they never have before – swipe, pinch and zoom. The app also has an automatic slideshow feature to show off your trips. Photos can then be easy sold via PicThrive’s photo sales and marketing platform.

The Photo Viewer is a third party app developed specifically for the world’s leading photo sales platform for tour operators, PicThrive.

“We are excited that third parties have decided to take advantage of our API to build apps that help solve real problems. This demonstrates the need and that our API is easy to use. We are looking forward to more apps from camera to sales can be built on top of our platform,” says Neal, Cofounder of PicThrive.

The app can be downloaded here.

in Conclusion

About PicThrive

PicThrive is a photo sales and marketing platform for tour and activity operators. Sign up now to get access to a powerful tool for your business.

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