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Add Souvenir Photos

Neal Belovay
September 7, 2024

PicThrive, the leading photo sales and marketing platform for tours and activities, has launched a new feature that makes it easy for operators to add Souvenir Photos to guest albums. Souvenir Photos help tell the full story of the tour, so your guests can save the complete memory of the experience.

Add Souvenir Photos

Souvenir Photos are stock photos that you previously shot and want to add to multiple tour albums. These can be scenic, wildlife or iconic photos that you previously took and would add value to an album.

With a click, high-quality photos can be added to a guest’s album that can take your photos from great to outstanding. It adds value to your photos and provides guests with more of what they want, the best way to save the memory of their experience.

While only taking a small snippet of the tour, your guests are left wanting more photos of the experience. They want to remember every moment

Souvenir Photos can be used in a variety of ways and here is a great suggestion.

Let’s say that you only take 10-15 photos from one location on your tour. With this new feature, you now add iconic moments of the tour, a rock that looks like the face of the ghost of the valley, wildlife that you see, beautiful pictures of the landscape or even point of view shots of someone on the tour. Those photos now capture the full memory of the experience! Your guests can now tell the complete story of their tour with friends and family.

in Conclusion

These photos can add tremendous value to your photo product. So get out there and take some amazing photos of the experience that you know all guests will want. Then add them to your guest’s albums with a simple click.

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