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Launching PicThrive – Photo Hosting & Customer Engagement for Business

Neal Belovay
September 7, 2024

Have you ever provided or sold photos to your clients in the hopes that they share it with their friends and family, so your business could get free marketing? Did you believe that this leads to more customers? Did you think that watermarking your photo can engage viewers and turn them into paying customers or visitors to your website?

Launching PicThrive – Photo Hosting & Customer Engagement for Business

Sadly, you can’t engage viewers of your photos if they have escaped to another platform, out of your reach. While your photos go viral, you have to hope that someone opens up a browser on their phone, type your business info into Google, browses your site, remember your brand and maybe converts into a customer.

Sadly, this is state of photo sharing and selling websites for businesses. It does not help you reach your real business objectives. While you are able to easily deliver and sell photos to your customers using other platforms, they stop helping your business at this stage. They are purely there to facilitate a transaction. Pictures and 1000s of views disappear into a black hole of social media, out of your reach. PicThrive on the other hand, starts working hard for you to help your business grow.

PicThrive is on a mission to turn photos into the most powerful customer engagement and social media marketing tool for your business.

Once photos are delivered for free or sold to your customers via PicThrive, they will receive their own private gallery preloaded with PicThrive’s Smart Gallery Techology. These Smart Photo Galleries work to maximize your business goals and get results.

First, increase social sharing through intelligent social media buttons, that are actively working to personalize an experience to get the best results. Use customer engagement tools to target visitors at the perfect time to reach specific campaign goals. Easily set it up once and let our marketing automation help you convert visitors into customers and other goals that your business requires.

Are you looking to build your email list with hot prospective clients that were referred to you by their friends and family? Do you want to improve your online reputation on sites like TripAdvisor and Google+ by getting more new and positive reviews? Do you want more followers or likes to your social media accounts or to increase visitors to your website? Are you running a promotion and want to provide discounts to customers that buy in the next 24 hours?

Using PicThrive’s Smart Galleries you can leverage easy to use customer engagement tools to meet your real business objectives like the ones above or more. No longer are photos sent out and forgotten about in the darkness of social media. Finally, you are able to use photos to meet and exceed your real objectives and help your business grow.

in Conclusion

PicThrive is currently in private beta. Signup now to get early access and a powerful customer engagement and marketing tool for your business.

About PicThrive

PicThrive is on a mission to be the number one customer engagement and marketing platform for businesses to connect with clients and their network of family and friends using multimedia. We believe it is important to always innovate in engagement and conversion tools that maximize the user experience and get the best results possible for our clients.

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