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Rapid Image Upgrades Clients to PicThrive & Develops Innovative App – Photog Central

Neal Belovay
September 7, 2024

Rapid Image LLC, one of Colorado’s largest outdoor tourism photography companies, has selected PicThrive as its photo technology partner. Clients of Rapid Image will be upgraded to PicThrive’s photo sales and marketing platform. A new app is being developed to sync & streamline Rapid Image’s entire operation.

Rapid Image Upgrades Clients to PicThrive & Develops Innovative App – Photog Central

Rapid Image’s new app, Photog Central, enables it to deliver a fully integrated photo service to outfitters. It simplifies the entire photo operation, saves outfitters organization time & storage concerns. Outfitters have instant access to photos for presentation, helping them immediately provide guests with pictures on their mobile device. Souvenir photo products for purchase are accessible in-store and online.

Photog Central, connected with PicThrive, removes the complicated orchestration of various file folder organization tools, multiple Dropbox accounts, upload managers, online stores, CDs, or USBs. Rapid Image’s outfitters will say goodbye to the painful days of having to upload/download the same photos multiple times, juggling multiple systems, and finally eliminate the CD or USB. Tour outfitters will be able to quickly receive, sell, and deliver photos to their guests from one automated platform.

PicThrive helps tour operators maximize their photo sales, in-store and online. Its intuitive design brings simplicity to in-store sales via an easy to use workspace and optional, photo sales kiosks. Photos can be delivered to guests in seconds, helping to free up staff time and remove the operational pains and unreliability of USBs/CDs. Guests will be able to instantly view and share photos from their mobile device, saving them from the technical complications of unzipping digital downloads on a smartphone and not being able to access photos on USBs and CDs while on vacation.

Outfitters have the option to leverage tablet based kiosks to further speed up their sales process and save staff time. Photos are automatically synced and instantly available, providing guests with a truly immersive photo experience immediately after a tour. Outfitters can continue to use their own POS, giving guests the opportunity to pick up retail merchandise on their way to pay for photos at the front desk.

Outfitters can utilize powerful marketing tools that monetizes social sharing to get real results. PicThrive enables tour operators to run promotions, use retargeting from Google and Facebook, get more reviews on TripAdvisor and Google, collect emails of new potential visitors and much more.

“My clients, the outdoor adventure outfitters in Colorado, offer vacationers unforgettable experiences whitewater rafting & ziplining throughout Colorado’s amazing scenery. My photographers create extraordinary images of the guest’s adventure. Each location has numerous isolated spots, where that unique image needs to be taken.

Today, everyone expects things instantly, more so to share that excitement immediately after the experience with friends and family. The moment the photo is taken, to having them on display immediately upon the return of the tour, to offering unique photo products, and delivering photos instantly to guests’ mobile devices, this entire photo operation is a complicated, multistep process. I need a platform to seamlessly sync the various facets.

I chose PicThrive to work with me to solve this complex problem. Their software engineering & design expertise specific to my outdoor industry makes them the perfect candidates to partner on this project. Together we will develop the photo platform of choice for outdoor outfitters,“ states Jessica Marsan, Owner of Rapid Image.

“We are excited to have partnered with Rapid Image, a leader in the tourism photo industry. Jessica’s foresight into the changing technological needs of tourists and tour operators alike, means she is always providing the best solution to help her and her clients’ business grow. We are proud to be partnered with Rapid Image and bring needed innovation to tour operators,” stated Neal Belovay, Cofounder of PicThrive.

Rapid Image’s new app, Photog Central, in addition to the outfitters personalized PicThrive account, provides a centralized platform that connects the entire photo process from the photographer to the outfitter, for inhouse presentation, the sale, marketing, and directly puts photos in the guest’s hands for instant sharing.

When guests purchase photos, all customers receive 24/7 support, assisting those customers with any digital download issues, ordering assistance and all technical concerns.

The Photog Central app will be made available to other tour operators and photography businesses to help grow their revenues. To request more information or access please contact us at or

in Conclusion

About Rapid Image

Rapid Image Photos was established in 2001 to provide the clientele of commercial raft outfitters photographs of their whitewater rafting adventure. Our staff has evolved the creativity to capture unique outdoor images and specialize in adventure sports photography. Our clients include Clear Creek Rafting Company, Colorado Adventure Center, Blazing Adventures, Timberline Tours, Arkansas Valley Adventures, and many more.

To contract Rapid Image, please email us at or call 970-371-6529.

About PicThrive

PicThrive is the photo sales and marketing platform for tour operators. It helps tour operators maximize photo sales, in-store and online. Operators are able to monetize social sharing to get real marketing results like more reviews on TripAdvisor and bookings. Sign up and sell photos free for 2 weeks at

To contact PicThrive, please email us at or call 1-866-706-9005.

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