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Don’t miss out on the best zip line trolleys for 2020

September 7, 2024

Today we’ll compare some of the best zip line trolleys in 2020. Whether you’re a zip-line veteran or just getting into zip-lines. trolleys are an essential part of the business. All of the options you’ll see here, use double-wall bearings, for a smooth and fast ride. Another benefit they all share is the ability to easily detach them without having to take down the cable. Finally, they all work on cables up to ½” in diameter. We’ll talk about what sets each of these trolleys apart and why you might choose one over the other.

Before we look at the best zip line trolleys in 2020, let’s talk about something they share in common. That is, the ability to mount them without taking down the cable. First, you’ll be able to return the trolley to the launch platform without a rope. This is useful if you have a multi-stage setup where you don’t have to keep a bunch of trolleys on each platform. It’ll also help if you have guides going back and forth between platforms since they can carry the trolley back. The other benefit is that the trolleys will be less exposed to the elements. This can drastically increase the lifetime use of the product, especially if you live in a humid place or close to saltwater.

You should also have a trolley retrieval system. If for any reason the ride were to stop short of the launch pad, you don’t want to have your guest pull themselves to the platform or have to be rescued. This type of system will also allow you to handle more guests through your zipline. You don’t want to be wasting valuable time while your guests reach the platform. Your staff will be able to retrieve the trolley, optimizing throughput.

Don’t miss out on the best zip line trolleys for 2020

A colourful option for zip line trolleys in 2020

First up is the Hornet Trolley. A nice design feature is that it combines the trolley with the handlebar. Normally, this type of setup would require tour operators to take down the cable. However, with a simple twist of the handlebar, you can remove it with ease. The clip-in slot can handle a single carabiner. Giving you the option of using a seat or a harness.

Thanks to the easy to use hinge, and rubber grips, the Hornet is an excellent choice. Especially if you are looking for a comfortable alternative for your guests. This is particularly true for beginners. The handlebar helps the rider feel more secure, decreasing the likelihood of them spinning. Having a negative experience will make them stay away from ziplines in the future. They might also leave a negative review since the experience didn’t go as they had planned in their mind. By using handlebars, you’ll also ensure riders are facing the right way. This can be really helpful when coming to a stop at the landing platform

Simple by design

The Rogue trolley uses a simpler approach than the Petzl or Hornet. This does not impact its performance. With Rogue you can load and unload from the cable by simply detaching the carabiners you’re using. The tie point can handle up to three carabiners, making it extremely versatile. This is the best option if you want flexibility along with a no-fuss experience. It’s also able to go faster than the Hornet or Petzl.

Flashy and effective

Our last pick is the Petzl Trac Plus. Its colorful design will help you wow your guests, while not sacrificing performance. Its unique integral carabiner makes the setup process fast and secure. It also includes front and rear back up hooks, helping to retain the backup carabiners more efficiently.

in Conclusion

In the end, you need to think about the type of experience that you want to offer. In our opinion, these are some of the best zip line trolleys in 2020 and they should adapt to your needs, however, they might not be the best for every operator. Think of your setup and what you want your guests to remember. You also need to keep in mind what your staff will do with the trolleys at the end of the ride.

Finally, we would like to remind you that keeping all the touchpoints of your experience sanitized is a must. You could face hefty fines from the local government for not complying with the regulations. Another reason to sanitize your setup is that you do not want guests to leave a negative review. The time you invest in keeping your tour safe for everyone is better used than having to deal with negative reviews.

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