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Adventure Travel Industry: Improve profitability in bad weather

September 7, 2024

Video and photo sales can help smooth out your revenue during bad weather

Rain on your wedding day was ironic for our favorite, Alanis Morisette. But for the adventure travel industry, it can mean a washout on a day of business. Your business is dependent on predictable weather conditions. It doesn’t make a difference if your tours involve diving, ziplines, or rafts. Unfortunately, climate change is making weather problems worse for our businesses.

You deliver great guest experiences. With photo and video sales, you can earn revenue to invest in your business to help it weather the storm. Here are a few ways you can build a stronger relationship with your guests using PicThrive.

Adventure Travel Industry: Improve profitability in bad weather

Keep your guests’ experience going

Providing unique photos and videos to your guests can help you drive extra in-store revenue. You’re connected with everyone in the group who signs up using their email. Each connection is a new opportunity to reach a new network of future guests.

With PicThrive, your guests’ experience doesn’t have to end when the tour does. Continue your relationship by offering post-tour sales of memories. Your guests have headed home to share the amazing experience your tour gave them. There’s isn’t a better way to show off the unique experience than with photos and videos.

We all know Google and TripAdvisor reviews play a major part when people make their travel plans. Your guests get dozens of emails a day. Stand out from the crowd by reminding them of their adventure using photos and videos and then asking a review from your best guests, the ones that bought photos or videos. Inspire your guests to tell others about their adventures. It’s also a great way to remind your guests that you value their review. The timing couldn’t be better than when they’re reliving one of the best experiences they’ve ever had.

There’s no such thing as a free lunch, but there is free marketing

You know running a small business takes dedication. Being part of the adventure travel industry not for everyone, but you care about your guests and where you call home. Running a business also takes money. If your revenue is down because of bad weather or because of the economy, you’ve got to find ways to stretch every dollar. That’s where your satisfied guests come in.

Making sure your tour photos and videos are easy to buy means, you’ll have more money in your pocket at the end of each day. Making those photos easy to share on social media – Instagram, Facebook, Twitter – even TikTok, drives awareness of the unique experience you offer. Posts and stories inspire people to travel and experience your tour for themselves. The best part—this is marketing that doesn’t come out of your pocket or anyone’s budget. There’s no such thing as a free lunch. But free marketing can happen when you give your guests something awesome to buy and share via PicThrive.

We’re here to help the Adventure Travel Industry

Your PicThrive team is here to help you weather the storm with expert knowledge and know-how on photo sales. Our solution is 100% transaction-based. That’s right – no upfront fees or setup costs. This means that even when business is slow, there’s no cost for you to offer photo and video packages. We’re there with you – in good times and bad. We also offer free training to help you get started and we’re with you every step of the way. That’s what a real partnership is all about.

We get it, like many of our customers, we’re a family business ourselves.

in Conclusion

What’s next

Be prepared for whatever the weather brings you. You want to deliver an awesome guest experience that keeps your staff free to do what they do best. We’re here to help you make that happen with PicThrive. Get in touch today for a no-strings attached live demo. We personalize it for your business. Find out today how PicThrive can help your adventure business amaze – even when the clouds are grey.

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