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Operators on AdventureRES Can Grow Incremental Revenue with PicThrive integration

Carrie Mamantov
September 7, 2024

PicThrive has added AdventureRES to the growing list of integration partners streamlining the photo and video sales process for adventure tour operators.

As part of the strong Data Management capabilities in AdventureRES, tour operators are now able to pass guest details from the reservation over to the PicThrive sales and marketing platform to more quickly serve guests.

“Our purpose is always about creating the most robust set of tools for adventure tour operators. It made sense to include this partnership so our clients can automate one more task and be confident in the accuracy of their photo sales management.” ~ PJ Stevenson, AdventureRES

Operators who activate the integration can start capturing potential lost revenue right away. By scheduling triggers to automatically send purchase reminders, guests who did not purchase on site get another chance to preview their trip and purchase via their mobile device or computer.

Operators on AdventureRES Can Grow Incremental Revenue with PicThrive integration

How the PicThrive/AdventureRES integration helps the guest experience

For adventure tour operators looking to provide a quality guest experience, there’s more than one way to take advantage of the new automations with AdventureRES and PicThrive. Guests benefit from less friction in the on-site experience. Plus, staff are more focused and more relaxed to provide great customer service.

How can it help that much? Staff can look up a guest’s phone number, name or email address when sending an email from the PicThrive Workspace, and send the purchased video/photo album out as needed. This means guests aren’t repeating themselves and staff are able to serve guests more quickly. Learn more about saving staff time with automation here.

Some operators choose to bypass in store sales completely, using the email automation to be the primary purchase for all guests. The automation also works to make a simple one-stop purchase for guests who like to get it done before the trip starts. PicThrive supports gift cards so operators can set up a package that includes photos as part of the booking, streamlining the entire delivery of photos and videos.

How the PicThrive integration complements the robust services from AdventureRES

AdventureRES customers are used to their reservation system taking the complexities out of their operations. Integrating with the PicThrive automation extends how operators organize and streamline their operations by keeping the guest data in sync between the two systems.

in Conclusion

Operators on AdventureRES should reach out to the PicThrive Customer Success team to begin the integration process.

Here’s another article for operators looking for more ideas to grow revenue within your operations: Operators Get More Direct Bookings By Adding Online Photo Sales.

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