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Marketing inspiration for new bookings via 2021 Outfitter THRIVE Award Winners

Carrie Mamantov
September 7, 2024

Need new marketing ideas to get new bookings? Customer reviews and social media engagement are proven tactics for outfitters.

When you need to get some ideas or inspiration for getting your brand to reach new markets, you can always look to the award winners. So, it makes sense to check out AOA members Royal Gorge Rafting and ACE Adventure Resort. They are the new THRIVE award winners.

We were happy to be part of recognizing some of the innovative and stand-out performances in our adventure tourism industry at the 2021 Outfitter Awards hosted by America Outfitter Association.

Marketing inspiration for new bookings via 2021 Outfitter THRIVE Award Winners

Creating a memorable guest experience includes those extra on-brand touches pre- and post-booking. Both customer reviews and social media marketing are affordable ways to generate more revenue and secure new bookings through new business. Luckily, for PicThrive customers, it’s a seamless workflow for guests to instantly buy and share their digital memories all from their own devices on their own time.

Ready to take action?

  • For those outfitters ready to focus on  requesting customer reviews, we have another article you can check out to get best practices.

  • Get more ideas for how to use social media to enrich the guest experience, and it should come as no surprise that they include tour photos.

THRIVE award for Website Excellence

Royal Gorge Rafting for their outstanding use of online-review building and clean navigation.

You can read about some of Royal Gorge Rafting’s recent successes, including increasing photo revenue 25%.

THRIVE award for Social Media Presence

Ace Adventure Resort – Kevin Terrel, the River Operations Manager for Ace, accepted the award.

The team responsible for social media and marketing has created some very clever programs that have developed into a well-known brand. Check out their **blog **or follow on **Instagram **for inspiration.

in Conclusion

Advancing the guest experience with great customer marketing

PicThrive offers a set of tools for tour operators to effortlessly add customer value. You can schedule a demo when it’s convenient for you or read how it works if you’re curious what makes PicThrive different.

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See how PicThrive can level up your adventure tour business.
