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Photos Contribute to Higher Purchase Rates

Neal Belovay
September 7, 2024

You use your website to turn visitors into customers. You have built it to showcase your brand, the experience and the different adventures that are possible. Your TripAdvisor ranking and reviews are prominently placed for all to see. You also have your social media accounts connected.

You build a relationship with your potential guests in the hopes that they will convert into customers. You try to derisk the purchase decision and make the customer feel at ease with their choice to go with you rather than your competitor. However, one important factor to this sales funnel could be missing.

Photos Contribute to Higher Purchase Rates

While customer reviews about your business help you make more sales. The ability to grab people’s attention and show them the adventure that they are about to experience via trustworthy photos, helps you increase that conversion rate.

Photos play an equally significant part in increasing your purchase rates, according to the study, To Buy or Not to Buy by Gary Bente, Odile Baptist, Haug Leuschne printed in the International Journal of Human-Computer Studies.

The study states that “trustworthy photos and positive reputation contributed towards buyers’ trust and higher purchase rates.” Furthermore, it states that missing information, like having no reputation and no photos available for people to see, leads to mistrust.

The bottom line, photos are just as important as reviews in helping your sales. So, if you are using customer reviews from TripAdvisor on your website or in your marketing, you should be using PicThrive for photos.

When your guests share their pictures with their friends, what they are actually doing is building trust for you. Not only does this significantly build your credibility but it also derisks the purchase decision.

We make it easy for you to use photos as an important marketing tool via our photo sharing platform. You provide your guests with photos and they will receive their own gallery loaded with PicThrive’s Smart Gallery Technology. When they share pictures on social media and you get 1000s of views, you can use our customer engagement tools to convert that audience into customers.

PicThrive also provides you the ability to showcase your photos on your website through its online photo store. Not only can you sell photos online, but you can use it as a marketing tool to show-off your tours and activities. The visitors to your site can clearly see the type of experience your guests just had, helping to build the trust and derisk the purchase decision.

in Conclusion

Sign up now to get 2 weeks free of PicThrive! See how you can turn photos into an important customer engagement and marketing tool for your business.

About PicThrive

PicThrive is currently in private beta. Sign up now to get early access and a powerful customer engagement and marketing tool for your business.

PicThrive is on a mission to be the number one customer engagement and marketing platform for businesses to connect with clients and their network of family and friends using multimedia. We believe it is important to always innovate in engagement and conversion tools that maximize the user experience and get the best results possible for our clients.

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