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Getting more business through uncertain times

September 7, 2024

If you’re interested in getting more business through the pandemic stick around. PicThrive has some tips on how you can find ways to make up for lost revenue. With the tourism industry continuing to struggle, operators are being forced to look beyond their tour. Previously, we talked about how to target local guests. This time, you’ll receive advice that should prove useful for anyone in the industry. Even for those that cannot operate yet. Here are some tips to help recover some revenue.

With local government easing some restrictions, we can finally see some light at the end of the tunnel. However, getting used to the new normal, continues to affect many operators. Travel restrictions are tough for everyone in the industry. With talks of a second wave, there is a trick to getting more business, even if your doors are closed. One thing that continues to operate through the pandemic are online businesses. Beyond selling gift-cards, you can sell other products which you might already have. We’ll also highlight what some other businesses are doing. In case you need some inspiration.

Getting more business through uncertain times

Getting more business starts by letting your customers learn about your tour, from the comfort of their couch.

Highlight what’s interesting in your tour. Talk about local landmarks, wildlife or any other peculiarity about your region. Think of things that would catch your guest’s attention. You can run a workshop on how to get ready for the rafting season. Teach exercises that guests can practice at home. Get them conditioned to perform better on the raft. The trick here is to keep things interesting while giving value back to your customers.

Although nothing beats the live experience, you can do a runaround of your tour. If you run a zipline tour, you could highlight each line. Talk about some of the things they’ll see in each line, how long each one is and the speed’s they’ll reach. This will help you keep future guests engaged. Once things become normal, they’ll be dying to experience your tour.

Get your swag online

It’s easier than ever to start selling online. An online store is a great way of getting more business. If you are not selling merchandise from your experience, it’s time to look into it. With a cool design or a hashtag, you could be making extra revenue. Print it on t-shirts, sweatshirts or hats. You can brainstorm and think about what other products could be suitable for your business. The point is by selling products online you’ll be able to keep your revenue stream from drying out.

Our favorite platform to get your store online is Shopify. They have mastered the art of online stores. They host local as well as international stores. You’ll find a plan that fits your needs. Shopify does a great job of guiding you through the process. They’ll tell you what you need to start selling online. Then you’ll learn how you can market to your customers. Finally, how to manage the store’s operations.

in Conclusion

Why not reward your customers

Loyalty programs can help you keep and attract more customers. One of our neighbors,, does just that. There are three advantages you can get from these types of programs. First, you can use a point system to nudge your customers into taking action. The more valuable the action is to you, the more points you should assign. Customers can trade points for anything you choose. Decide if you want to give away swag, discounts or even gift cards.

The second benefit is useful if you have repeat customers. You can set a VIP status and encourage them to keep coming back. If you have different status level’s consumers want to climb to the top of the ladder. They’ll try to get the most benefits from you. Finally, you’ll also get more referrals. You’ll turn normal guests into brand advocates! They’ll want more of your points if you have a good system set up.

When things start running again, you’ll want to recover as much revenue as you can. A great way is through you photo and video sales. Remember that PicThrive facilitates this interaction. No risk of viruses or bacteria if you hand your pictures over the internet. Selling your pictures online also means they’re ready to share. Once the industry pics up, guests will be dying to share what they’re doing outside. And as we all know, there’s nothing better to do than adventure tourism!

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