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How adventure tour photos can help you grow

September 7, 2024

If you haven’t thought about selling adventure tour photos online, now’s a great time to start. Taking your guest’s memories online can really help your business. To be honest, tour operators could use some help during the pandemic. That’s why PicThrive is currently offering special pricing for online transactions. Some of you kept asking about the benefits of having an online store with Picthrive. Learn what you can get out of selling pictures and videos online and how PicThrive adapts to your needs.

Going online might seem intimidating at first, but rest assured, by the end of this post you’ll want to jump in on the hype. In this article, we’ll cover your needs in three different stages. First, how you market your tour. That is, how people know that you exist. One of the easiest ways for them to find you is to have an online presence. Then, we’ll talk about how you can sell your tour. Give them a reason to actually pay for the experience. Finally, you’ll have some tips on how you can manage the people that are already coming to your grounds.

How adventure tour photos can help you grow

Market your tour to the right people

One of the most difficult aspects of running a tour is getting people to book the experience. With so many competitors, it is hard to stand out. Even if your experience is the best in the region, you might be missing out on valuable clients. PicThrive helps you strengthen your online presence. By having an online store, people know that you are serious about tourism. If your tour is worth looking at, you’ll most likely want to show it off to everyone. With PicThrive’s platform, you’ll give your guests more than just adventure tour photos. You’ll give them a great memory.

Once a potential guest finds you, they’ll go online to check your reviews. You’ll want to do some housekeeping and make sure you’ve addressed negative reviews, ( we have a post on how to deal with those) as well as making sure your reviews are up to date. If your last review is from three years ago, guests might even think you are not operating. PicThrive’s platform can help you get more reviews, along with a better rating! Improve your reviews by helping your guests re-live your experience through their pictures. When your customers look at the great shots that only you can capture, they’ll be happier. As they’re re-living the moment, a prompt asking for their review can come up. This is one of the various tools from PicThrive to help your business.

People will visit your tour and leave a review. But you don’t want to miss the opportunity to reach like-minded people. After all, word of mouth marketing is still one of the best ways to get people through the door. How do you reach people like that? Actually, it’s easier than you think. By taking great shots, previous guests will want to share the moment with their friends and family. Fortunately for you, they’ll also want to have a fantastic experience as well. By adding your own hashtag, for example, you can make sure that your best customers share your experience with the right people.

Easily sell adventure tour photos online

With tight restrictions from local government, tour operators need to optimize every single aspect of their tour. Many times spending more than ever to make sure every contact point is clean. (yup, we’ve talked about how to clean your tour too.)

Sure, extra revenue on top of your daily operations sounds great. But do you don’t want to spend any more money to set up a new revenue stream? Of course not. That’s why PicThrive’s founders decided to use transactional pricing. PicThrive relies on your success.** You won’t get charged if you’re not selling**. That’s why we see our customers as partners.

The last thing you want to do with tourist numbers in decline is to commit long term with anyone else. At PicThrive, we understand that. We talked with hundreds of tour operators and listened to their feedback. By adapting to your needs you don’t have to worry about locking yourself for years. There’s no quota you need to meet and no hidden fees!

Now, imagine you’ve already committed time to develop your photo program and something goes wrong? With so many companies online, reaching their support can be an exhausting task. Running a tour is already hard enough. Who would want to waste more time trying to fix a problem? Even worse, trying to fix a customer’s problem, risking a negative review. Picthrive wants you to do what you do best, which is managing a tour. We’ll help with the support. Our customer success team is always there for you and your guests!

Manage your guests

Let’s face it, being a tour operator during a pandemic is tough. Keeping up with all the restrictions can be draining. Setting a standard for cleanliness will help you manage your guest’s comfort level. You don’t need anything else to worry about. That’s why PicThrive’s online store helps you manage guest traffic. Forget about having long lines after your tour. Making guests wait can increase the likelihood of a negative review. Worse still, with the pandemic, you do not want many people close together indoors. The online store gives your guests the opportunity to buy their pictures or videos straight from their phone. Guests will be happy that there’s no need to touch anything and your staff will thank you for not having to handle cash.

Once people are done with the experience, you want to move them along as fast as possible. You need time to clean all the contact points and get ready for the next tour. If you’ve got guests waiting, there’s no better definition of time is money. Another benefit for your staff is that they’ll be able to dedicate more time to ensure your guests are happy.

Even when some guests stick around to buy pictures or merchandise from your tour, there’s bound to be some that just want to get out of there. Whether beating the traffic on the way home or going for lunch, some people will just rush out. While it’s nice to have room for the next tour, wouldn’t it be great if you could capture some of those lost sales?

in Conclusion

With PicThrive you can turn lost sales into opportunities. Guests are able to buy their adventure tour photos from wherever they are. You can set up automatic emails to remind people about their pictures. We really care about your success and your time. PicThrive gives you all the tools to capture as many sales as you can. While helping you and your staff invest as little time as possible on the platform. Do more of what you love and have more time for your guests.

As we move through these uncertain times, we want our partners to know that we’ll continue to adapt and offer the best that’s available on the market. PicThrive’s product team pays close attention to your feedback. You can always reach out and someone from our team will get in touch with you.

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