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Remarketing for tour operators – A beginners guide

September 7, 2024

What is remarketing

Want to find out what remarketing can do for tour operators? If you want to keep your experience relevant while moving online, read on. There are certain aspects that you should always keep in mind when selling online. Just like developing a presence through social media is a no brainer, remarketing should be at the top of your list. It can do quite a bit for your business.

Think about how many people go to your website. Now out of all those that visit, think how many actually book an experience. That’s right, the majority bounce and few come back. The fact that they went into your website means there was at least some interest, if not an intention to buy. Remarketing can help you target those people that left without actually booking.

Remarketing can help tour operators in many ways. First, your conversion rate, which is the percentage of people that book your experience, will improve. This translates into an increased return on your investment. For every dollar you spend, you’ll get more money back! Who doesn’t want that? By targeting people that are already interested in your tour, you’ll be able to craft a message that can convince them to convert. Your brand will be in front of potential customers that are actually relevant to your business!

Remarketing for tour operators – A beginners guide

How can I do it?

Thankfully, there are many ways that you can reach out to those leads. PicThrive, for example lets you capture photo and video sales after people have left your tour. Remarketing can also give tour operators another chance at reaching a lead. If inserting a cookie sounds too complicated, there are platforms for you, too. Dealing with the technical aspect of remarketing is not for everyone. An example of these types of platforms would be AdRoll.

If you feel confident and want to take a hands-on approach, there are ways to do that. Tools like Facebook and Google Analytics offer a way to track how visitors behave on your site. Eventually, you’ll be able to take action on those insights. We understand why tour operators would take this route, as almost every business is trying to cut down on their expenses. Paying for a retargeting platform might not be at the top of the list.

Google and Facebook both have a great advantage. Once you have set up an account, you can track visitor behavior for free. You’ll need to get your hands dirty for both though.

Here’s how you can set up your account on Google and Facebook.

What can remarketing do for tour operators?

With that taken care of, you’ll have access to so much information you won’t even know what to do with it. One of the first things you’ll need to do is to set up goals. That is, what you measure as success. For most tour operators that would be when someone books an experience. By setting up the booking confirmation as a goal, you can divide visitors into two groups. Those that completed the goal, and those that did not. With this concept, you can dive as deep as you want. Target those that booked but didn’t buy an add-on for example!

Here’s the link where you can learn how to set up goals on google analytics.

Facebook uses a similar approach. First, you’ll need to install Facebook’s pixel to your site. Once that is done, you can track how visitors coming from Facebook behave on your site. This will help you optimize your marketing costs. You’ll quickly learn what type of ads work best for your customers. Over time, this will help you maximize your return on investment.

Can remarketing do anything else for me?

You didn’t think the fun would stop there, did you? You’ll also want to target customers who actually booked your experience as well. You’ll reach people that were interested enough to actually buy. The type of message that you communicate, depends on the stage that your lead is at. You could try to upsell them before the tour, or get them to come back (especially if they’re local). Now’s a good time to use incentives. A discount or free merchandise might bring them through the door again.

in Conclusion

Both, retargeting and remarketing help you reach the same goal. When done right, you can get more bookings and learn what works best for your customers. If you want to experiment with remarketing, you can use some of PicThrive’s built-in tools. Even when a customer doesn’t buy right after the tour, you can still reach out to them so that they can buy from the comfort of their home. PicThrive can also help you remarket to people that already bought their files. When they look at their files, you can have a marketing prompt for them to leave a review on your favorite platform. These tools are available for free as part of your online gallery. If you haven’t, be sure to start using them and see what they can do for you!

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