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Tour Operators, 76% of Your Customers are on Mobile Devices!

Neal Belovay
September 7, 2024

Don’t think mobile first, do mobile first!

76% of your guests and their friends view and interact with their tour photos and your brand on mobile devices. This has major implications for you because it tells us how your guests want to consume media, what medium is best to reach your next customer and how your business should adapt.

Tour Operators, 76% of Your Customers are on Mobile Devices!

The data tells us that you have to start doing mobile first. 65% of guests and their friends viewed and interacted with photos and your brand from their smartphone. 11% from tablets. Only 24% of your customers and their friends used desktops to view their photos and learn more about your business. Our data was collected over the 2015 spring, summer and fall tourism season from tour operators in the United States and Canada.

If you are selling tour photos to your guests, make sure that your guest can easily consume and share those photos from a mobile device. This requires a mobile first platform, like PicThrive that is optimized to get maximum engagement and marketing results from photos on mobile.

If you sell photos on a USB or CD it means that you are only catering to 24% of the market and alienating 76% of your customers. If you sell photos as a download link, you are complicating the mobile experience as it makes it a) difficult to find the photos; b) require downloading different apps to unzip the file to get to the photos; c) time consuming to share the photos; d) you lose all marketing ability.

When marketing your tour, you should be optimized for mobile to reach the traveler. Our data shows that the traveler is actively on their mobile device and if you want to capture a new customer while they are traveling, the best place to reach them is on their phone.

Our data also shows, that when marketing your tour you should also be optimized for mobile when you are trying to get new customers before they travel. You can reach 76% of these potential customers on their mobile devices.

This means that not only should your ads be optimized for mobile first, but so should your website, reservation system, digital waivers and photos. These are the first and last experience your customers has of you, you want to make it as great as your tour.

If you don’t, you are creating unnecessary roadblocks for your customers. You do not want to make it difficult to learn about your tour, hard to book a tour or make their last experience a frustrating one.

Test your guest’s experience on mobile. Grab your phone, take it off wifi and search your business on Google. Follow a typical user experience, from learning about the activity to booking to getting and sharing photos. Rate it out of 10.

in Conclusion

Deduct points if it is: slow to load, the page doesn’t automatically resize, properties do not load properly, difficult to tap buttons, lacking a simple buying path, isn’t easy to navigate, hard to read, frustrating to use, requires additional steps to operate on mobile. Deduct all points if it cannot be done on a mobile device.

Make sure you test it on both Android and iOS devices. How did you score across each experience – your website, reservation system, digital waivers and photos? What improvements do you need to make?

About PicThrive

PicThriveis a photo sales and customer engagement tool that is currently in private beta. Sign up now to get early access to a powerful customer engagement and marketing tool for your business.

PicThrive is on a mission to be the number one customer engagement and marketing platform for businesses to connect with clients and their network of family and friends using multimedia. We believe it is important to always innovate in engagement and conversion tools that maximize the user experience and get the best results possible for your business.

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